How gymnasts are using RBC Training Ground as a springboard to success in other sports
By Julie Fitz-Gerald
If you’re a gymnast with lofty ambitions, Canada’s national sport organizations (NSOs) are looking for you. RBC Training Ground, a talent identification and athlete-funding program that looks for up-and-coming Olympians, says gymnasts are sought after by many NSOs.
Evan MacInnis, national technical director of RBC Training Ground says the work ethic and skills acquired by gymnasts at a young age are unmatched. “The level and type of training that gymnasts do, their body awareness, agility, balance, co-ordination and speed, is really unparalleled to any other sport at that young age, so whether they continue on in gymnastics or transfer to another sport, that base athletic ability is incredible,” said MacInnis.
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Former gymnast and RBC Training Ground alumni, Marion Thénault won Bronze in the Freestyle Skiing Aerials team event at the 2022 Beijing Games. Photo Credit: RBC.